Reginald Hunter Tweets out quip making light of whites being replaced, as new UK Census finds white in steep decline

New census figures on UK demographics are out and garnering a great deal of attention from the public and media.

Some, particularly in academia are cheering on white decline.

Jonathan Portes is a Professor of Economics and Public Policy at the School of Politics & Economics of King’s College, London.  Prof. Portes Tweeted out remarks on new census figures in the UK released on November 28.

Almost four in ten Brits in England and Wales have no religion.  Christians are in steep decline.  But Muslims are on the upswing, reaching about 8%.

Douglas MurrayThat Muslim invasion in full force, from today’s cenus.  Not that this will stop the usual scaremongering/bigotry from Spectator/Douglas Murray/Melanie Phillis ect…

From Douglas Murray in his 2021 book, “The Strange Death of Europe”:

Europe is committing suicide… Europe will not be Europe and the peoples of Europe will have lost the only place in the world we had to call home.

Further census figures show the white population in their native England is declining rapidly.

According to Reuters, fewer than half the population of England and Wales now consider themselves to be Christians. Additionally:

England and Wales’s white population slipped to 81.7% of the total in 2021’s census from 86% in 2011, while the proportion who described their ethnicity as “Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh” rose to 9.3% from 7.5%.

Murray Tweeted in regards to the new figures:

ReginaldHunter3 » Reginald Hunter, BBC featured, award-winning comedian, cracks awkward joke on white genocide » Human Evolution News » 1As predicted five years ago in ‘The Strange Death of Europe’ which The Guardian denounced at the time as ‘xenophobic’. I suppose facts eventually catch up with everyone.

Portes snarked back:

Oh. Shocked, shocked.

Reginald D. Hunter is a comedian, born in Georgia USA, but a UK resident for the past 20+ years.  From his bio:

He reached the final of So You Think You Are Funny in 1998 during his first visit to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe and was nominated for The Edinburgh Comedy Awards Best Newcomer in 2002 for his debut full-length show I Am What I Am. He was then nominated for The Edinburgh Comedy Awards main prize in 2003 for White Woman and 2004 for A Mystery Wrapped In A Nigga.

In 2006 he won the Writers’ Guild Award for Comedy for his show Pride and Prejudice and Niggas.

His TV appearances have included Never Mind The Buzzcocks, QI and Have I Got News For You? He also filmed two series of the BBC2’s hugely popular Reginald D Hunter’s Songs Of The South & Reginald D Hunter’s Songs of The Border, documenting Reginald’s epic road trip through 150 years of American popular song.

“White genocide would be my preference”

Hunter, a blue check mark at Twitter, jumped into the thread with this:

Joe CovenantIf I HAD to be genocided, white genocide would be my preference.

One of his supporters Joe Covenant, a Dundee, Scotland-based actor/singer/performer immediately realized the gravity of the Tweet.  Covenant:

And now we wait for the [UK] Daily Mail Headlines: Reginald D. Hunter Wants to Kill All White People! “White genocide would be my preference.

Subspecieist asked Hunter for clarification:

Do you think white genocide is something to crack jokes about? Would you do the same about Arabs, Africans, how about Jews and the Holocaust? It’s okay to murder people so long as they’re whites?

Here’s his response:

Reginald HunterIf they did, I could give my publicist the year off.

Reginald Hunter’s live recordings are available at Amazon:

Recorded live at two sell-out shows from London’s iconic HMV Hammersmith Apollo, Reginald D Hunter Live features outstanding material from the cutting-edge stand-up comedian. In the twelve years since he began performing, Reginald D Hunter has become one of the UK comedy industry’s best-known and most distinctive performers.

Live at the Apollo featured on BBC Greats, 47,000 views:

Welcome to BBC Comedy Greats, home to the best comedy from the BBC! Whether you’re a fan of the classics or if stand up comedy is more up your street then check out our hand picked playlists full of the funniest clips by the best performers. From Only Fools and Horses to Live at the Apollo we can guarantee plenty of awesome Comedy Greats.

Contains strong language. Reginald D. Hunter asks why his ex-girlfriend was unfaithful and is accused of having “issues” with women.


Reginald Hunter regularly tours the UK and Ireland and he has been seen by audiences around the world from America to Australia.




Author Eric

FSU grad, US Navy Veteran. Houston, Texas

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  • Gaius says:

    Great work Eric! A pleasure to be back on Twitter. Had to wait for the right moment to come back. I must be dodging the auto-ban algorithms because Elon disabled them and fired most of the moderation staff!

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