Homo naledi in the flesh? SA Fashion model Norma Mngoma compared to archaic Hominid discovered outside of Johannesburg

Homo nalediTV News Narrator: Norma Mngoma is “spilling the beans on former [South Africa] minister Malusi Gigaba.”

They were married for 6 years and have two children.  Gigaba was SA’s finance minister and a member of the country’s ruling inner circle.  Their messy divorce has led to courtroom proceedings and has been the subject of intense social media gossip.

Gigaba allegedly had an affair with a New York City “fashionista” during their marriage.

Background from the South Africa World tabloid, 2017:

Former minister of home affairs Malusi Gigaba has dumped his wife, Nomachule Mngoma, after failing to resolve their home affairs.

Sunday World can exclusively reveal that Malusi and Nomachule have separated and the former minister of finance has already informed his close associates and legal team about plans to file for divorce.

The associate… said the ANC head of policy complained that Nomachule has always been moody, volatile and often started unnecessary arguments.

More from South Africa IOL, 2017:

LeeBergerHomoNaledi » "Homo naledi" Norma Mngoma tells all on ex-husband South Africa finance minister » Human Evolution News » 1Buhle Mkhize, the alleged former mistress of Finance Minister Malusi Gigaba, had SA tweeps hanging onto her every word as a Twitter account with her name unloaded some files on Gigaba and his wife Norma.

Mkhize, a US-based fashionista, appeared to have created a new Twitter account on Tuesday to hit back at Norma, who had seemingly referred or implied she was a prostitute in an interview with eNCA at the weekend.

“We do know that African populations derive some small fraction of their DNA… from archaic lineages… It could be Naledi?”– Dr. John Hawks, Univ. of Wisconsin – MadisonMkhize dubbed Mngoma “Homo naledi,” presumably due to her archaic features.

Continuing from South Africa World:

In numerous tweets, she also called Norma “Homonaledi” and “Nomachule”.

According to Mkhize, Norma ended up blocking the “side chick” (as many Tweeps called her), which Mkhize thought was “embarrassing” to her.

Mkhize Tweeted out a side by side photo of Mngoma and Homo naledi.

The nickname has taken on a life of its own.  Dozens of Tweets have appeared on Twitter  (#Homonaledi) in the last few days, making joking references to Mngoma, such as:

Son of Kushi: “she was once called Homo Naledi and today you guys are calling her Shrek…”

Southinha Matela: “I forgot the name of that lady who called Norma Homonaledi…”

Molemi: “Norma aka Homo naledi”

Monsieur LaPadite: “Homo naledi is not playing games… A woman SCORNED!”

eNCA News had an in-depth interview with Mngoma in early December.  Among other tidbits, Mngoma reveals herself to be a lesbian, talks of allegations of “extra marital affairs,” and of secret political meetings held by her finance minister husband.

Narrator: What do you know about bags of money?

Mngoma: He used to use that money for different things, his lifestyle, to build his home… to give it to his sisters… but he’s the one who will answer better for what it was for.

Note – Homo naledi is often cited as the possible archaic ghost species admixture in modern Africans.  In 2019, the UCLA genetics team of Durvusala and Sankararaman identified as much as 19% archaic DNA in modern Afros.

Dr. John Hawks, friend of Homo naledi discoverer Lee Berger, speculated in 2017, that Africans, “derive some small fraction of their DNA… from archaic lineages that we haven’t discovered… there is some sign of some archaic lineage that’s contributed to some populations. What we don’t know is the identity of that lineage… It could be Naledi?”

UPDATE! Norma Mngoma has just launched a fashion business.  She’s also making a South Africa-wide media tour.  More at SA Sunday World.


Author Eric

FSU grad, US Navy Veteran. Houston, Texas

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