Ernst Haeckel “German Darwin” under attack in Germany

According to Deutsch Welle, Sept. 10,

Don’t use the term ‘race,’ German scientists urge

Ernst HaeckelThis year marked the 100th anniversary of the death of Ernst Haeckel…

This has prompted a top group of Anthropologists to attack the man, known as the “German Darwin.”  Haeckel is perhaps best know for spectacular illustrations of animals, plants and sea creatures. The Germans held an anniversary conference in early September, titled “Jena, Haeckel, and the question of human races, or how racism creates races.”

The hierarchical categorization of groups of people based on their biological traits — for example, eye color, skin color, or skull shape —  infers evolutionary relationships between species, which scientists in Jena now call a form of racism.

The Jena Declaration, composed by Martin S. Fischer, Uwe Hossfeld and Johannes Krause of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, and Stefan Richter from the University of Rostock, was presented at the 112th annual meeting of the German Zoological Society in Jena…

Diana Klausner at Gab, a native German from the Northeast US, explains to

Uwe Hossfeld“The Germans are regressing to the level of their immigrants and all due to the nonsense racism discussions and the “fight against the right”. They are trying to uphold their status quo, while losing their traditions, giving up their religious practices and allowing low (IQ) quality migrants to live off their accomplishments. These people are robbing the system silly – it will backfire, most migrants will not add any value to the economy or the well-being of the society! It will at best enslave Germans!”

As DW further explains, the German Anthropologists now believe taxonomy for humans should be abolished.  But they also believe taxonomy for other animals is just fine.

dogs raceFor domestic animals, however, the term “race” is still adequate. Hossfeld explains why: In contrast to humans, domestic animal races were the result of breeding and not the result of a natural biological process.

With domestic animals, a geographical classification does not apply. There is no proto-dachshund from Gibralter which, at some point, migrated further to the north.”  [Emphasis added].

Image: Australian Shepard.

Editor’s note – Johannes Krause is a favorite of this site.  Krause was the very guy who confirmed Neanderthal DNA in the lab in Leipzig, Germany in 2010 while working for Svante Paabo. Needless to say it is very disheartening to learn he has signed on to such silliness.

Further Reference – Was Haeckel a racist?

Excerpted from a 2020 paper,

Ernst Haeckel, Nikolai Miklucho-Maclay and the racial controversy over the Papuans

The “German Darwin” Ernst Haeckel (1834–1919) was a key figure during the first “Darwinian revolution“, a time when the foundations of the modern evolutionary theory were laid. It was Haeckel, who crucially contributed to the visualization of the Darwinian theory by designing “genealogical-trees” illustrating the evolution of various species, including humans. Although the idea of explaining human evolution by natural selection belongs to Darwin, Haeckel was the first who attempted to create a new exact anthropology based on the Darwinian method.


Trying to immediately reconstruct human evolution proceeding from the description of modern populations led Haeckel to the views which, from the contemporary perspective, are definitely racist. Haeckel created racial anthropology intending to prove human origins from a lower organism, but without the intention of establishing a discriminatory racial praxis. Although hierarchical in its outcome, the Haeckelian method did not presuppose the necessity of a racial hierarchy of currently living humans. It is crucial to grasp in what sense Haeckel’s theoretical explorations in human evolution were racist, and in what sense they were not. Our argument flows as follows.

Read the full text of the paper at the link above.


Author Eric

FSU grad, US Navy Veteran. Houston, Texas

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